{Monday Motivation} Keep Going

Yesterday I went on my coldest run of the season. When I stepped outside the temperature was in the 20s but with the 25-30mph winds, it felt more like the single digits. I like running in the cold but yesterday’s 12-miler tested my dedication. I had to stop a few times to catch my breathe because the air I was breathing in was just so incredibly dry. At one point, my boyfriend and I actually stopped at his office on the way back to warm up a bit before we ran the final 2 miles back. He offered to run back, get his car, and come pick me up. I was that cold. But I’m also incredibly stubborn and wanted to get in the full 12 miles, especially since our pace had been really good up until that point. So, instead of giving in to the option that would have been much easier (and warmer) I decided to continue on the run- and it was so worth it. My Garmin had died but he said we got in to the 7:XX/mile pace in the final two miles (super fast for me, easy for him) but I felt great. Once I finally warmed up inside with a hot cup of tea I realized that it really was a great run. Happy running this week!

(Source: Pinterest)

(Source: Pinterest)

P.S. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged but I promise to start it up again! Anything you’d like me to write about in particular? Let me know in the comments section below or tweet to me at @byHannahMcG

14 thoughts on “{Monday Motivation} Keep Going

  1. The wind is the absolute WORST. It is only getting colder from here and I know I have got to man up and take these cold runs for what they are haha

    • The wind is by far my least favorite weather condition to run in. At least where I live, the drop in temperature was so sudden there was no time to prep. I know I’ll get used to it… eventually!

  2. I had to deal with Cold and wind this weekend too! Good for you for staying dedicated and getting the miles in! There are times it is definitely a test of willpower to get the runs in outside. I did do 2 runs on the treadmill this week but also had 2 cold and snowy runs too!

    • Ok, I’m slightly jealous you already have snow but you’re a rockstar for getting out there! Before we know it we will all be acclimated to the colder temps.

  3. It was so crazy windy here yesterday too. I can’t imagine running that long though. I barely made it 30 min before I was turning purple! You’re lucky you have such a wonderful boyfriend to run in that weather with you :)

  4. This weekend was brutal for outdoor running. I checked the weather on Friday and switched my long run from Sunday to Saturday because it was a little warmer. Good for you for toughing it out, though! Sometimes those runs leave you feeling the best when they’re finally done.

  5. I love that quote! So true. My brian just argues with itself the whole time! I actually skipped my Sunday long run due to the insane wind/cold we had here, and I kind of don’t regret it. I needed a mental health day! But I ran today and definitely needed a full hour after the run to completely warm up! The wind is the worst part :(

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